Beautiful Mundane

Around us even in the night nothing rests. There is a neverending desire to be kept moving or thinking or wathcing or listening. Exercise and hobbies and neccesities of living in actions flowing seamlessly between each other as time ticks past. We are convinced to believe we must always be busy, we must always be occcupiesd. Society demands that even acts of enjoyment have some hidden purpose of prodution, else we are lazy.

We need to be lazy together, to do nothing at all without previous thoughts, to not be preoccupied with impressing the faces surrounding us. The thoughts and opinions and expectations and stressed need to melt away in a temporary ceasement of production- a moment of idlenss we simple spend together for the sake of being together without external judgements that in all reality matter not.

We need this therapeutic time where only you and I exist, where all i hear and feel is your breath as i rest my head on your arms, and all i need to worry to see is a smile on your face that gives away your surpise attempt at tickling me uncontrollably. The movie on in the backgroung having been forgotten after the beginning minutes creates an unusual ambiance that calms us to sleep, and we allow ourselves all the laziness and nothingness that could possibly exist within a single moment. It is the most beautiful feeling.

Beauty fades.